Local: We look for and harvest dead, down and unwanted trees here in Corrales and throughout the Albuquerque area. We work with individual homeowners and landowners, and we work with tree service partners.
- We are looking for tree trunks at least 12” in diameter and at least 6 feet long. If you have something unusual that’s smaller than this, let us know.
- We usually charge for tree removals based on distance from our business, ease of access, complexity of the removal, and whether we are taking just the trunk or taking all the slash and waste to the dump. In some cases, removal is free. We do removals ourselves and leave the felling to licensed professionals, including Urban Arbors who works closely with us because he’s part of our family. That’s Garrett Allen of Urban Arbors in the tree pictured below.
- If you have your own tree service we can work with them to make sure a valuable log is preserved in the removal process.

We are looking for these varieties and other local and exotic species:
Cherry, apricot and
other fruitwoods
Russian olive
Salt cedar
We are not looking for cottonwood except for large burls.
We do sometimes take elm logs but only large-diameter and very straight.
Regional: We have contacts in the southwest region who can supply us with logs that are not locally available. We work with others in the same business as we are and who source their logs in their localities in the same way we do here.
The saw: We run a Woodmizer LT 40 horizontal bandsaw. The LT 40 has a 26.5 horsepower motor and many nice features for ease of use and accuracy, including a hydraulic loading unit that can lift a 3,000-pound log onto the saw bed, hydraulic clamps to hold the work in place, and a digital readout to set blade height and plank thickness. It’s theoretically portable, but we have it set up as a stationary machine, under a beautiful shade structure built by our friends at Barrows Fencing and Gates.
We have invested heavily in sound abatement to keep our neighbors happy and we plan to do more.
What we cut: Our LT 40 has a maximum plank width of 34 1/2 inches and we can cut up to 20’ long. We mainly cut live-edge slabs, but we are doing a lively business in other products. We cut turning blanks, thick veneers, “cookies” (log sections), and stumps (clean, parallel cuts to the right dimensions for table bases). We recently cut a fatwood stump to the right dimension for splitting — this is apparently difficult with fatwood because it’s so saturated with pitch that it frustrates a chainsaw, but our bandsaw sliced it effortlessly.
Most of what we cut is from our own log inventory, but we are always ready to do custom milling if you bring a log or thick plank to us. Most of our planks are cut 2” or 2 ¼” but if you have special size requirements, you can choose a log and we can custom mill from about 5/16” thickness up.

Dead and down: Much of what we cut is standing or fallen trees that we collect in the Village or nearby. We actively search for these trees because we can get them to market quickly. These trees can have rot and defects, but they are also full of beautiful surprises. We recently cut into a Russian olive and found two dusty lizards curled around one another in a pocket of rot, still alive, just a couple millimeters below the saw blade, but we also find spalting, wild grain, burl and other treasures. The nice thing for our business is that these logs are usually dry and stable, so we can stack and store them outside after cutting and sell them immediately.
Fallen or harvested live: Trees that come down in storms or have to be removed for building projects or road construction are still alive and have to be treated as living, changing things. A log can stay wet for years if it isn’t cut when it’s taken down; even when milled and stacked outside to dry, it can take a year or more for 2” planks to reach the desired moisture content of 7 to 10 percent. We have built two kilns to speed up the drying process so we can sell what we mill and guarantee your satisfaction.
It’s still not fast. We recently upgraded our second kiln to be housed in an insulated shipping container, R28 on all surfaces, with gas heat and and high quality industrial fans. It’s also throughfeed so we can load whole logs instead of laboriously stacking plank by plank. But it will still take between 4 and 6 weeks to dry 2” hardwood planks, and more time for dense species like walnut.
The key to quality is a balance between heat, humidity, airflow and time. Too hot and too fast results in checking, warping and case hardening that can completely ruin a glorious log. We’ve opted for slower drying times to create a product we can be proud of.

Our Customers

Our live edge slabs are ideal for...
- deep windowsills in adobe or masonry homes
- fireplace mantles
- banco seats
- stair treads
- bar tops
Imagine clearing a lot for a custom home and taking down a large, beautiful tree that is in the way of construction. You can tell your customer that this tree will be part of their new home, and we’ll make it happen

Interior Designers
We can collaborate with you through every stage of the design process, from choosing the right species and plank dimensions to designing around the strengths and weaknesses of the material, to choosing a fabricator. It’s especially rewarding when we can start with a log from your client’s property and take it all the way from milling to kiln drying to a final piece of furniture or an architectural element.
For example, we milled this garden bench on our saw from a pine beam taken from the home of a Corrales couple during a remodel. We took the beam, split it, shaped it, came up with steel supports for the back with one of our partners (Barrows Fencing and Gates), added the legs from a local ash tree that we had recently milled, and then machined and assembled the piece in our Tin Shed shop.

If you are a professional and looking for quality live-edge slabs or dimensional lumber, we have what you need or we can get it. We have a large and varying inventory at our site, but if you have a project with specific requirements and you have time, we can source logs of any domestic species and many exotic ones, and mill and dry for you to your specifications. We can also take your logs, stumps or oversize timbers and mill them to suit your needs.
This is a cottonwood burl, one of two that we sliced up for Paul Searcy of Searcy Woodworks. We usually charge $125 an hour for custom milling, but in this case, we took a couple of slabs in trade.
If you are an amateur, come and browse — we have a lot of inspirational material already milled into planks. If you see a log that interests you, we can often open it while you wait and watch. We have a bargain bin with all kinds of exotic off-cuts and odd bits and pieces that may be just what you are looking for. We can also give you good advice about how to handle, protect, store and fabricate your project.

Tin Shed Millworks client
We wanted to find a table that would fit into a deck space for outdoor entertaining year-round.
Easy enough to find at Ikea, etc., but Rick and Jacob have created what I would consider a Life Table ~ something that was obviously made with good intention and a creative heart, with wood from my own community and environment; something you hold on to forever and pass it along.
I believe strongly in supporting our local businesspeople and artists, especially during these times. All that makes this something beyond just a table for our deck. Thank you, Rick and Jacob!

marco velez
Custom Woodworker
I consider myself to be a woodworking enthusiast specializing in making custom one of a kind charcuterie serving boards. I was tired of sourcing my lumber outside the USA and came across Dendro Technology through Facebook Marketplace and decided to try someone local.
I found they had quality products at a reasonable price, exceptional customer service and were knowledgeable. They make you feel like more than just another customer, you're treated as family.
I'm proud to support local business and couldn't see myself going anywhere else. I highly recommend them.